Eligibility Criteria: Most universities require International students to have secured the equivalent of a 2.5 or higher on the German scale to be eligible for admission. In some high-ranking universities and competitive courses the requirement is 2.0 or higher.

ECTS Grading: Some universities also use the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) alongside the traditional grading system. The ECTS grading scale provides additional context for international students and institutions. The ECTS grades are A (best 10%), B (next 25%), C (next 30%), D (next 25%), and E (next 10%).

Subjective Nature: The interpretation of grades can vary between institutions and even between faculties within the same institution.

Final Grade Calculation: In many programs, the final grade for a degree is calculated as a weighted average of the grades from individual courses, with more weight given to grades from advanced courses.